
What I Want In A Man, Original List ... (at age 22)

1. Handsome  帥
2. Charming  迷人
3. Financially Successful  相當有錢
4. A Caring Listener  忠實的聽眾
5. Witty  風趣
6. In Good Shape 體態良好
7. Dresses with Style 衣著合宜
8. Appreciates the Finer Things 品味高雅
9. Full of Thoughtful Surprises 時時有充滿心思的驚喜
10. An Imaginative, Romantic Lover 有想像力與浪漫的好情人


What I Want In A Man, Revised List ... (at age 32)

1. Nice Looking - preferably with hair on his head 五官端正-最好還有頭髮
2. Opens car doors, holds chairs 會幫我開車門,拉座椅
3. Has enough money for a nice dinner at restaurant 有足夠的錢帶我上館子吃頓好的
4. Listens more than he talks 聽的比說的多
5. Laughs at my jokes at appropriate times 聽我講笑話,該笑時會笑
6. Can carry in all the groceries with ease 提買菜的菜籃不會很吃力
7. Owns at least one tie 好歹有條領帶
8. Appreciates a good home cooked meal 喜歡吃我煮的菜
9. Remembers Birthdays and Anniversaries 不會忘了生日及週年紀念日
10. Seeks romance at least once a week  一週至少溫存一番


What I Want In A Man, Revised List ... (at age 42)

1. Not too ugly - bald head OK 不要太醜-禿子也無妨
2. Doesn't drive off until I'm in the car 等我上了車才開車
3. Works steady - splurges on dinner at McDonalds on occasion 工作穩定-偶爾在麥當勞請吃大餐
4. Nods head at appropriate times when I'm talking 在聽我說話的時候會適當的點頭
5. Usually remembers the punchlines of jokes 聽得懂笑話
6. Is in good enough shape to rearrange the furniture 體態至少還可以搬得動傢俱(不會太胖)
7. Usually wears shirt that covers stomach 通常會找遮得住“小”腹的襯衫穿
8. Knows not to buy champagne with screw-top lids 不會笨到去買須要開瓶器的香檳
9. Remembers to put the toilet seat lid down 上完廁所能把馬桶蓋歸位
10. Shaves on most weekends 幾乎每週末會刮鬍子

What I Want In A Man, Revised List ... (at age 52)

1. Keeps hair in nose and ears trimmed to appropriate length 偶爾剪個鼻毛及耳毛
2. Doesn't belch or scratch in public 不在公開場合打嗝或挖鼻孔
3. Doesn't borrow money too often 不要太常借錢
4. Doesn't nod off to sleep while I'm emoting 我興緻來的時候,不會呼呼大睡
5. Doesn't re-tell same joke too many times 一樣的笑話不講太多次
6. Is in good enough shape to get off couch on Weekends 體態至少還可以讓他週末時能離開沙發
7. Usually wears matching socks and fresh underwear 會穿成對的襪子及乾淨的內衣褲
8. Appreciates a good TV Dinner 肯吃電視快餐
9. Remembers your name on occasion 多少記得我的名字
10. Shaves on some weekends 週末偶爾刮個鬍子

What I Want In A Man, Revised List ... (at age 62)

1. Doesn't scare small children 不會嚇壞小朋友
2. Remembers where bathroom is 還記得浴室在哪
3. Doesn't require much money for upkeep 大病沒有
4. Only snores lightly when awake (LOUDLY when asleep) 醒的時候鼾聲不大(睡的時候可得大聲些)
5. Doesn't forgets why he's laughing 還記得為何發笑
6. Is in good enough shape to stand up by himself 還站的起來
7. Usually wears some clothes 不會光著身子亂跑
8. Likes soft foods 喜歡液態食物
9. Remembers where he left his teeth 還記得假牙在哪
10. Remembers when... 還記得‧‧‧

What I Want In A Man, Revised List ... (at age 72)

1. Breathing 活著就好

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